The why-part...

I love to explore, to read and learn about odd and paranormal things. Big fan of the X-files, love reading about cryptids and are just utterly fascinated by all things that we don't really know of. As a kid, I dived into learning about paganism, wiccan, druidry, symbolism, magic, UFO's, aliens and herbs.

As an adult, I simply just haven't stopped. I'm no expert in any way shape or form, just very curious and interested in the paranormal and magical. 


I don't shy away from reading scientific magazines and articles, nor do I shy away from reading the Bible, the Satanic Bible, The Book of Enoch, The Gnostic Bible, Kabbala-texts, the Hindu Vedas or the Norse Mythology. Everything fit together somehow, in some way, depending on the mindset of the reader. 

So...I hope you enjoy it!