You most likely already heard about the Bermuda Triangle and it's eerie way of making ships and aircrafts disappear into thin air, never to be heard from again. But what is a triangle, really? And did you know there are other “triangles” which have similar behaviour as the Bermuda Triangle?

First: what is a triangle, really?
A triangle is a two-dimensional shape with three sides, three angles, and three vertices (the points where the sides connect). But a triangle is also considered a polygon, since it can have three or more sides. Therefor it belongs in the same shape family as the square, the rectangle and even the decagon (ten sided triangle).
They are a concept deeply rooted in ancient mathematics and geometry. Early civilizations all over the world recognized and utilized the properties of triangles several millennia ago. Mystics and alchemists see the triangle as a sacred concept that holds the very foundation of creation. It is found in the Kabbalah traditions, the Gnostic gospels as well as in Rosi-Crucian and Templar Knights traditions.
Despite it being a concept old as human comprehension, it's not a really naturally occurring phenomenon, besides mountain tops. Triangles are to 99% a human mind- made-up shape and 100% given human-mind-made-up symbolism and powers. We humans like to create shapes and give those shapes names and meaning, like a triangle being "mysterious" or "powerful", when it might not be. However, if we step aside the spiritual and mathematical aspects of triangles, there are some places on this globe, that seems to have weird properties that seemingly takes the form of a triangle when pointed out on a map.
Other Triangles
The infamous Bermuda Triangle in the North Atlantic Ocean, roughly bounded by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, is probably the most known and studied phenomenon when it comes to paranormal triangles.
Since the mid-20th century, it has been the focus of a legend suggesting that it glorps ships and aircrafts like there is no tomorrow. However, Bermuda is not the only triangular place, there are also other, lesser known ones. Let's take a look at a few of them:
The Bennington Triangle
This triangle has been the setting for a number of unexplained disappearances over the years. Over in Vermont, USA, an area that covers the craggy landmark of Glastenbury Mountain and its surrounding lands, are the place of mysterious vanishings and UFO-sightings. The first written down disappearance occurred on November 12, 1945, when 74-year-old Middie Rivers vanished while hunting in Bickford Hollows. He was a skilled outdoorsman and well-aquainted with the area. When he failed to come back from his hunting trip, a large search party was established and they searched the area as well as the surrounding area for weeks, but nothing but Rivers' handkerchief was found.
Paula Welden was 18 years old when she was last seen on December 1, 1946. She left Bellington College, where she studied, early in the afternoon, walking and hitchhiking six miles to the Long Trail. When she failed to attend class the following morning, an extensive search was launched, but no evidence of her was ever found.
On October 12, 1950, Paul Jepson, aged 8 and a special needs child, vanished while accompanying his mother on farm chores. His mother left him unattended in the vehicle for about 30 minutes while she tended to the animals, and when she returned Paul was gone. He was never found, and is assumed to have been abducted by humans.
The Matlock Triangle
Located in Derbyshire Dales, UK,, there is a zone called the UFO capitol of the world. One would assume that this alleged UFO capitol would be located in the USA, since it's seemingly the only country where UFO's land, at least if you only consume USA-focused media or average media-cover here in Sweden. But thankfully, the USA is not the top-post for everything (no offence). In Derbyshire Dales there have been numerous stories circulated about odd, glowing objects, from cigar-shaped aircraft to bowler-hat shapes. There have been at least 25 prominent sightings in the area since the early 2000's.
The Lake Michigan Triangle
Lake Michigan in the USA, is one of the grandest bodies of water on Earth, It has also been linked to eerie aerial sightings and alleged disappearances. It is an area where a number of disappearances, shipwrecks, and plane crashes have occurred under unexplained circumstances. The triangle stretches from Ludington to Manitowoc, down to Benton Harbor and back to Ludington. The first major unexplained disapperance was that of the French sailing ship Le Griffon that disappeared on her maiden voyage in 1679. It was never heard from again. Due to ships frequently going missing on the lake up to 1891, as well as increasing population, attributed to better record keeping regarding the disappearances.
Besides Le Griffon, another famous disappearance was the Rosa Belle, a double-masted ship which was found capsized on the lake with no trace of the crew. This was around 1921.
In 1937, Captain George Donner vanished from a freighter sailing across the lake. The captain had retired to his cabin for some rest after several hours on deck. He instructed the crew to alert him once the ship neared her destination. When the vessel neared Port Washington after about three hours journey, the crew had to search for their captain, but no sign of him was ever found.
Planes have also been inexplicably downed in the Michigan Triangle, as well as people just simply vanishing without a trace when being in the triangle zone. The first reported UFO sighting was in 1913, but it was not the last.
The Formosa Triangle
Also known to some as the Devil’s Sea or the Dragon's Triangle. This is a region of the Pacific Ocean, just off the coast of Japan and has been linked to numerous disappearances, UFO sightings and magnetic anomalies. Some people say that there are accounts of disappearances on this stretch of ocean dating back to the Mongol Empire. That's a long time ago.
Anyway, in August of 1945 an airplane went missing. A distress radio transmission from the pilot Shiro Kawamoto who was crossing the Triangle created more questions than answers. The last thing his message said was "...something is happening in the sky...the sky is opening up-"
Whatever happened to him or what happened in the sky, was never revealed since nothing of Kawamoto or his plane was found. One of the most disturbing stories is when nine Japanese military vessels vanished in the Triangle in the 1950s. Researchers were sent out to see what had happened and apparently, they in turn vanished themselves. Not a trace left behind. After this, Japanese authorities labeled the sea as a "danger zone".
What is the truth regarding the triangles?
Well, what's true or not regarding those triangles or areas with assumed "triangles" is a hard nut to crack, if it's possible at all. Some disappearances are, given the known information on them, baffling and inexplicable. But disappearances like these happen all around the world and are not limited to the specific triangles. Ships and planes behave the same within those areas, as they behave everywhere else in the world.
There is a possibility that many or most of those mysterious places are manufactured mysteries, created by people who either purposely or unknowingly made use of misconceptions, faulty reasoning, and sensationalism. If key details are left out and/or distorted in the reports, they can contribute to create a mystery that wasn't there to begin with.
Aside from supposed supernatural claims, those triangular hot spots are not without fascinating and dangerous anomalies and phenomena. Many of the water-based triangles are known to have large deposit of methane gas pockets. Sudden eruptions of large methane deposits are known to occur. These could release enough methane that, upon reaching the surface, could change the density of the water. This in turn, could cause a ship to sink suddenly without warning or a trace.
When it comes to none-methane areas, another theory proposed is that an unusually large and rogue wave suddenly and unexpected, have sunken some of the ships and boats.
It has also been proposed that a point of increased electromagnetic activity caused by a weak spot in the Earth’s magnetic field could cause compass problems and other instrumentation failures on both ships and airplanes and thus make them sink into the deeps.
I don't doubt that people have been seeing and experienced things. I think there could be a mix of both paranormal and normal causes to those disappearances. Who says it can't be both? One aspect doesn't automatically overrule the other, right? Not unless it's proven beyond doubt that it's one thing or the other.
I'm a person that like to hear both sides of the tale, like the scientific theories as well as the personal unscientific theories. I've been fascinated by paranormal things my whole life, and my personal belief is that both normal, earthly things like giant water-farts are going on, as well as things we yet don't understand. Even though statistically a "normal" amount of planes and ships disappears in those triangular areas, there are still something about those triangles that
It could be paranormal, normal or the military of unknown countries are testing something around there.
We might never know.
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