Vittra- The Invisible People

Publicerad den 3 november 2024 kl. 17:39

In Nordic folklore, particularly in Norway, Finland, and Sweden, the vittra represent the people that are not visible to the human eye. These beings lives in a world that exists parallel to our own.

Description and Way of Life

The vittra are often described as a Nordic version of the pan-European concept of “underworld people” who live near human communities but remain unseen. Within Nordic folklore, they are part of the group commonly known as “the invisible ones.” According to tradition, the vittra live in family units and practice agriculture and cattle herding just like humans, though they occupy a different space and time.

During the winter, when human farmers vacate summer places, the vittra are believed to take over, continuing their lives unseen. They are said to raise their own livestock, known as vitterkor (vittra cows), which are endowed with magical qualities. For instance, these cows would always yield a full pail of milk—no more, no less. Folklore also tells of instances where human cattle herders were able to claim a vitterko by throwing a knife or pair of scissors over the animal.

These mythical beings look, live, and dress much like humans, but they inhabit a parallel realm often described as “underground.” The vittra are mortal, which sets them apart from many other beings in Nordic folklore, who are often described as immortal or ethereal.

Geographic Spread and Related Folklore

The belief in vittra is predominantly found in the northern parts of Sweden, with the southern boundary of this tradition extending through Hälsingland and Dalarna. Similar beings are known in Norwegian folklore as huldrefolk (hidden folk) and in the folklore of the Swedish island of Gotland as di sma undar jordi (the little ones under the earth). In the southern regions of Sweden, similar beings are referred to as vättar.


Vitterstråk: The Paths of the Vittra

One unique feature of the vittra folklore is the concept of vitterstråk, or vittra paths. These are routes or trails that the vittra are believed to traverse, often leading their cattle along them. It is not adviced building a house on a vitterstråk, as it is said that the vittra will continue to pass through, regardless of any human structures in their way. If a house is erected over one of these paths, tales recount how the vittra and their livestock will unceremoniously pass straight through it, potentially causing misfortune for the human inhabitants.

Some old maps are rumored to contain markings of vitterstråk, a testament to how seriously the belief in vittra was once taken.

Names and Regional Variations

The term vittra is used in Swedish regions such as Jämtland, Medelpad, Ångermanland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten, and parts of southern Lapland. In the northern parts of Lapland and northern Norrbotten, similar beings are known as landrå or trolls. The term varies further in local culture. For example, in Jämtland they are sometimes called jolbyggar (“earth dwellers”), and in the Sami language, they are known as ganij, sajva, or ulda. In Finnish folklore, they appear as maahinen or haltija.

The vittra is, like most folklore today, considered fantasies or legends, but to us living close to Nature and the Old Ways, the Underground People are not just stories to tell by the camp fire. They are as real as you and me, and are continued treated that way by elders and those who walk the ancient walk in life. If you ever cross path with a Sajva, be respectful, and careful and be on your merry way.


A little note at the end...

The vittra should not be confused with the vildvittror from Astrid Lindgren's book Ronja Rövardotter, who share only the name but are not of the Invisible People.  

I'm really not a fan of Astrid Lindgren, never liked her books nor the movies and what not. And I'm not a fan of the screwed up creation Vildvittrorna is. I can take alot, like I don't mind ghouls, mermaids, ghosts, Vittras, Skogsrå, trolls, dogmen, bigfoot, skinwalkers, witches, werewolfs, vampires, fearies, alians, lizzie-people, gnomes and huldras and so on.

But Astrid's stuff (like all of her stuff)....Geez, I have standards, man.

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